Classic Conditioning Back Treatment

Length:  1 hr.

Name:  Classic Conditioning Back Treatment

Concerns: Dry, irritated, or acne--prone skin

Treatment:  Purification session designed to leave your skin cleansed, refreshed, rejuvenated, hydrated & impurity-free includes deep cleansing with steam and hot towels, exfoliation, detox or conditioning mask, nourish and hydrating cream and oil plus a soothing massage. 

Aftercare:  For the next 24-72 hours, especially after exfoliation, cleanse and moisturize twice daily with our recommended products. To allow your skin to fully recover, minimize sun exposure, including sunbathing, saunas, and steam rooms. Hold off on other exfoliating products for 48 hours. This simple routine promotes healing, minimizes irritation, and helps your skin retain its healthy glow. For an extra boost, stay hydrated! Questions? We're here to help!

Cost:  $75